Friday, May 14, 2010

Executive Branch

CBS,NBC rejected United Church of Christ ad as "too controversial," despite networks' past airing of advocacy ads

Executive Branch

Constitutional Connection:
there was a commercial that was not aired by CBS and NBC because while bush was in presidency they stated that marriage is something between a man and a woman in this ad was "too controversial" because it promoted gay marriage racial minorities and people with disabilities. The executive branch is saying that marriage should be for a man and a women i also find this to controversial because people should be able to marry whom ever they want. Marriage doesn't have to be about a man and a women marriage is about love and therefore everybody deserves love either if their gay or with disabilities.


  1. Good opinion and analysis...but wh'ere the link to the article and the Constitutional connection?

  2. I agree with you that people have the right to love, but there is too much controversity on the subject. It's like saying minors should be able to marry adults because they love eachother.
