Monday, April 19, 2010

"Freedom of Depress"

First Amendment, Bill of Rights

"Infringing on the freedom of the press"

To me this picture means that if the press was able to give out the real truth, the viewers wouldn't be able to handle the truth. The press talk about yea the major concerns that are going on in the world but sometimes they don't give you the back up information that goes with it. They give you a brief summary about what it is so you can be aware. All of the words that are coming out of the t.v are most daily things that you would hear on the news. Like the man that is hanging himself. The constitution is give the press the freedom but the press wouldn't actually have the freedom to write/ talk about. This is because things are censored and people don't want to actually see what is going on.

Freesom of Religion

Freedom of Religion

First Amendment
Bill of rights

This article relates to the freedom of speech amendment because the people from Israel don't have the right to chose their religions. It was to be a crime if you changed your religion. In the united states we have the freedom of religious due to the constitution.

I think that the people from Israel should have the freedom to pick their religion. That is because all people have different interests and different perspectives to the world. Not only do the people from Israel don't have the freedom of religion but they also don't have the freedom of gender and sex. Israel has all these laws because they are a strict nation and prefer to have thing how they have been for years. The people from Israel should have the freedom of religion because everybody has different believes. Its not like they can force you to only believe in one certain thing. They are taking it too far by making it a crime to be a different religion. If it was like that in the U.S then everybody would have been a criminal as well.

Freedom of Speech

Freedom of Speech Today

Bill of Rights, First Amendment.

"..Infringing on the freedom of speech.."

This article talks about how student are being shut down to speaking their minds. That the students nowadays have less information about their constitutional rights. " a national survey of high school student reveals that only 2% can identify the chief Justice of the Supreme Court; 35% know the first three words of the U.S Constitution; 25% know that the Fifth Amendment protects against double jeopardy and self incrimination, among other legal rights". To me this proves that high school students aren't interested in the history that is offered. In this article, Nicholas Noel, student president, was giving his senior graduation speech when the mic was turned off on him due the wrong impression the school got from his speech. This proves that the schools are lacking the freedom of speech that students have. Schools are over exaggerating with students way of expressing their thoughts. They should give them oppurtunites to be able to speack mindly. For example Nicholaswas president of his class and him being a role model couldnt even speak the truth with out getting shut down by "the man". =D If schools were more openly to the ideas and thoughts that the students have then student might have another reason why to come to school.